Welcome to Tier III...

Tier III started as an online helpdesk, but has quickly become a blog for the most interesting technology news hitting the headlines... We still answer questions, but there has been so much in the news recently about hacking and smuggling wifi hotspots, we just had to take a look... Leave you comments and let us know what you think...
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Welcome to your new helpdesk, Tier III...

Legal- Tier III is not part of any hacking group/organization. We simply follow the latest in hacking news and sometimes ask for contributions from the hackers...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Did you turn it off and turn it back on??

Why is it we have heard this so many times from tech's.. Have you turned it off and turned it back on? The truth is if your system has been on for a substantial period of time it can have negative effects on the performance, and all to often that's all we need to do to get some speed back. 

But why is it on such a wide array of problems technicians start here? It's because alot of them are scripted, they are told what to say and what steps to take.. If I'm having trouble with something other than my system not responding as quickly as it should I don't want to start with powering down. Every problem has it's own solution and it's not always going to start with powering down. With Tier III there is no script, every problem is solved according to the issue at hand; not by what a piece of paper says is the correct procedure. Just give us a try and you will see the difference; not to mention the fact that with Tier III you won't have to spend your hard earned cash on someone with a script...

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