Welcome to Tier III...

Tier III started as an online helpdesk, but has quickly become a blog for the most interesting technology news hitting the headlines... We still answer questions, but there has been so much in the news recently about hacking and smuggling wifi hotspots, we just had to take a look... Leave you comments and let us know what you think...
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Welcome to your new helpdesk, Tier III...

Legal- Tier III is not part of any hacking group/organization. We simply follow the latest in hacking news and sometimes ask for contributions from the hackers...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wifi in a suitcase helps protesters overthrow governments...

I'm not much for politics, but when people are smuggling "internet in a suitcase" into hostile territory and deploying their own wifi hotspots compliments of the US government it catches my attention..

The Obama administration is backing these projects, one of which was a "shadow" cell phone network in Afghanistan that utilized towers on military bases and had a price tag around $50 million. The state department is also funding wireless networks to enable protesters in countries such as Iran, Syria, and Libya to communicate outside of what their governments allow..

Wireless networks allow protesters to be heard and to communicate on a global scale and not to be restricted by what their government's will allow. The fact that the Obama administration is backing these projects is remarkable to me and actually for once puts me on his side..

Do you think that the US Government should be funding these projects? Let me know...

Tier III- Not into politics, but these projects put me on Obama's side...

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