Welcome to Tier III...

Tier III started as an online helpdesk, but has quickly become a blog for the most interesting technology news hitting the headlines... We still answer questions, but there has been so much in the news recently about hacking and smuggling wifi hotspots, we just had to take a look... Leave you comments and let us know what you think...
Also, join us on facebook... http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_137236459684559&ap=1

Welcome to your new helpdesk, Tier III...

Legal- Tier III is not part of any hacking group/organization. We simply follow the latest in hacking news and sometimes ask for contributions from the hackers...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bio station Alpha

I know this really has nothing to do with pc's, but regardless it is technology related. Using Google Mars a self proclaimed "armchair astronaut" has located what he believes to be some sort of building on Mars... Is it really, can't be sure, but it's still intriguing. You can check out the video on youtube @   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZeDc8fubAA  and see a screenshot below. Let me know what you think before our wonderful media does away with the story...

Tier III- your virtual helpdesk, and apparently news source....?

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