Welcome to Tier III...

Tier III started as an online helpdesk, but has quickly become a blog for the most interesting technology news hitting the headlines... We still answer questions, but there has been so much in the news recently about hacking and smuggling wifi hotspots, we just had to take a look... Leave you comments and let us know what you think...
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Welcome to your new helpdesk, Tier III...

Legal- Tier III is not part of any hacking group/organization. We simply follow the latest in hacking news and sometimes ask for contributions from the hackers...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

LulzSec has sailed off into the sunset, but Anonymous in back in the light...

LulzSec may have reached the end of their voyage, a voyage which will continue thanks to copycat hackers around the world; but for Anonymous the end is nowhere in sight.. Their most recent target... Orlando.. Anon has taken out orlandofloridaguide.com in a DDOS attack and posted their iconic mask over the face of Mickey Mouse.

Why would Anonymous hack Mickey Mouse?? Several members of the Orlando group Food not Bombs were recently arrested for not having the required permits to serve food to large groups of people in a park, a permit that can only be acquired twice per year. The group is an anti-poverty group that feeds large groups of homeless people in Lake Eola Park. Anonymous let the Orlando Chamber of Commerce know they were going to take down the site... And then they did it.. Simple. Anonymous also stated that this is one of several planned attacks on tourism sites.. Look out Florida..

As I have said in the past, most hacking groups have motives behind what they do, and in this one I'm siding with Anonymous... What do you guys think let me know.

Tier III- hacking for the homeless...

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