Welcome to Tier III...

Tier III started as an online helpdesk, but has quickly become a blog for the most interesting technology news hitting the headlines... We still answer questions, but there has been so much in the news recently about hacking and smuggling wifi hotspots, we just had to take a look... Leave you comments and let us know what you think...
Also, join us on facebook... http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_137236459684559&ap=1

Welcome to your new helpdesk, Tier III...

Legal- Tier III is not part of any hacking group/organization. We simply follow the latest in hacking news and sometimes ask for contributions from the hackers...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

NeoSec- The new face of LulzSec...

The Lulz Boat has set sail.... And NeoSec has taken it's place. While the original group was only in it for the Lulz, NeoSec has a stronger mission statement. According to their official facebook page NeoSec hacks for "the public and their rights, free will, truth, love, brotherhood etc..."

NeoSec believes in protecting the given rights of every person from any entity that should challenge it, including governments.. Their goals include collecting secret information on goverments and releasing the data to the public in order to bring down those corrupt leaders and politicians...

NeoSec has not grabbed the attention of the public yet, but we will be following them as start to grab headlines..

If you would like more info on NeoSec you can check them out on the NeoSec Forum.

Please note that Tier III is not affiliated with any hacking group, we just report the latest news..

Tier III- Working hard to keep up with the ever changing world of hacking...

What NeoSec Fights for (from the NeoSec Forum)

We are NeoSec and this is what we fight for:

We fight for a better tomorrow!

Now spread this to your friends, family, lovers, haters, police officers, shop keepers, spread it around the world, and do not let any one stop you!

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